Thursday, November 22, 2012

Silverleaf Utah

Silverleaf Utah Business Opportunity

Leading into the current USA and world financial crisis many commercial builders and would be real estate investors used as much inexpensive debt financing as they possibly could get their hands on in order to construct or develop a plan to purchase or refinance properties. Most of those risky loans made their way into large trusts and pools of mortgages that were behind commercial mortgage-backed securities instruments (CMBS). Because of the steep declining prices and a fast weakening economy, vast amounts of borrowers found themselves in a world of economic certainty or maturity default.

There have been 463 Bank Failures from January 2008 through the 1st-3rd quarter of 2012. This is mainly due to the fact that banks are carrying large amounts of non-performing, under-performing or equity deficient loans that they are experiencing enormous pressure from banking regulators to increase capital. Because of the reluctance to run and take a loss on the books, financial banking institutions are often under highly pessimistic quarterly reporting pressure.

Sources: Federal Reserve, Foresight Analytics

Most types of lenders, who are not prepared and are not experts in managing different types of paper secured by commercial real estate, find themselves presented with the difficulties of what we call a control position, which will further increase and accelerate the unwanted selling of mortgages available on the market and depresses values and pricing even more.

Pricing and values are projected to continue to be below the intrinsic value due to the economic downturn for several years to come, excessive over-leveraged buyers and banks, will face stressed selling and forced liquidations.

The outcome of this whole mess is that purchasing these distressed debts will be a good idea when it can be fast done at low prices that are well below the average intrinsic value of the secured underlying collateral.
SilverLeaf Financial designs, identifies and quickly applies a seasoned underwriting management process to accurately predict pricing with the appropriate exit strategies.

Silverleaf Shane Baldwin speaks about Silverleaf and their Financial

Silverleaf Financial has continued to acquire over $30 million in commercial paper.

SilverLeaf Financial operated under Shane Baldwin who can be viewed at ( is very excited to proclaim many of its recent purchases of more than 13 loans from a big banks who have called themselves M& I Marshal and Ilsley Banks with a total par value at over 17  million dollars.  10 of the loans are located in Arizona, 1 in Illinois, 2 in Indiana, and by Ohio.  The founding makeup of each of the underlying collateralized items in association with these kinds of loans include three Multi-Family/Apartments, five Commercial Buildings and a single Office Condominium.  Shane Baldwin SilverLeaf Utah CEO says,” We liked this pool of loans because of the underlying collateral, the cash flows and the strength of the borrowers.”

Up to this date, SilverLeaf Shane Baldwin Fraud and failing banks who suffered from Fraud have allowed the firm to acquire nearly $250 Million in surface par value notes from at least 30 loan pools and 47 total loans.   In September 2012 this year alone, they have received control over $70 Million dollars in face valued mortgage notes.  SilverLeaf Utah continues to intend on the pursuit of win-win workouts with the worried original borrowers of these many recently received promissory mortgage notes. 

Shane Baldwin SilverLeaf, CEO has also said that the company has received considerable amounts of interest from other large investment pools and groups searching for a reasonable purchase of all these recently acquired commercial paper deals.  SilverLeaf Shane Baldwin Utah CEO and Financial Partner along with CCO, Cary Clark said, “We explore multiple exit strategies in disposition of acquired notes.  One of those is to resell them to other investment groups or private parties. “

SilverLeaf Utah Financial Firm would also like to pronounce the latest addition to their group, Chet Tomas, Senior Loan Analyst.  Chet comes from a extreme background of  diverse professional experience including different technical sales of that in real estate and financial planning.

SilverLeaf Shane Baldwin also plans to announces it’s participation in a large well known company the NAIOP Development ’09 annual meeting to be held October 14-16, in Chicago, Illinois.  SilverLeaf Financial CEO, Shane Baldwin has been invited to speak on the subject of “Buying Distressed Commercial Paper.”  This event will be held at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers.

Shane Baldwin Discusses Company's General Process

Silverleaf Financial CEO Dwight Shane Baldin summarizes his company's process.

Salt Lake City,UT (I-Newswire) February 22, 2011 - Dwight Shane Baldwin, CEO of SilverLeaf Financial SilverLeaf Website , recently spoke about the company’s general process and value proposition that begins with identifying under-performing loans that display the potential to achieve a targeted return on investment.

Prior to making a bid to purchase pools from within an FDIC offering, the SilverLeaf Financial team thoroughly underwrites and carefully analyzes each loan in order to determine the value in a potential acquisition. Pools that do not fit the SilverLeaf criteria for profitability are not bid upon. Those pools that are selected and bid upon for purchase have an associated plan of action ready for implementation. This ensures prompt liquidation once the bid award is obtained. Dwight Shane Baldwin and the SilverLeaf team of experts carry a reputation for their exceptional evaluation and assessment prowess, including the capacity to efficiently and effectively complete the workout process.

When asked about current pricing in the market, Baldwin said, “I think we will see pricing come down, because there is so much on the market. I believe we will be able to buy loans at better prices than we’ve seen historically. We are also seeing more non-recourse commercial loans being sold this quarter opposed to recourse loans, as well as more and more loans secured by retail assets.”

Baldwin attributed the company’s success to being very selective in its purchase of non-performing loans at a discount, and the company’s team of experienced experts with backgrounds in real estate, asset management, leasing, commercial lending, accounting, and law. Baldwin says the Silverleaf team strives to create positive results for investors, sellers and asset buyers.

Dwight Shane Baldwin applies years of entrepreneurial success to his position as founder and CEO of private equity firm SilverLeaf Financial. Possessing an education in business administration and marketing from Brigham Young University-Hawaii, Dwight Shane Baldwin takes charge of the company with a strong work ethic and seasoned management experience. Baldwin founded SilverLeaf Financial in 2008 and has helped bring it to the forefront of its industry. Baldwin and his veteran team acquire these assets through loans and loan pools purchased from financial institutions like the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) regional banks, special servicers and other financial institutions. In addition to loan pools, SilverLeaf Financial collects first position deeds of trust loans and performing and non-performing pools, providing banks throughout the United States with the process of prompt monetization. SilverLeaf has purchased well over 100 assets, totaling approximately $400 Million in face value.

About SilverLeaf

Headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, SilverlLeaf has quickly become an expert in the distressed debt arena. Through highly active involvement in the industry, they have gained the experience necessary to conduct due diligence thoroughly, yet efficiently. SilverLeaf focuses on acquiring non-performing 1st position Deed of Trust whole loans and whole loan pools in the individual or combined UPB range of $1 Million to $50 Million.

Shane Baldwin of Silverleaf Financial Financial makes generous donation

Shane Baldwin Silverleaf Financial a private equity firm’s principal makes donation to world-wide adoption effort.

(PRWEB) August 2012 Shane Baldwin of SilverLeaf Financial recently made a generous donation to the “Both Ends Burning” Campaign. The campaign addresses creating a better international adoption system so more orphaned and abandoned children can grow up in loving families. Millions of children in the world today are orphaned or abandoned. They are facing unmet needs, emotional an intellectual challenges and even permanent damage. In many countries, international adoption programs are shutting down. Would-be parents face delays, expenses and bureaucracy under the existing inefficient system, while the number of orphans continues to grow.Baldwin said, ”I wanted to make a donation to a cause I felt strongly about. I was adopted myself, by a terrific family. So by supporting this effort to improve the adoption system, I’m able to give back and positively impact the lives of other orphaned children.”

The world-wide campaign provides an alternative common-sense solution to replace the current process. What is needed is a new international adoption system that works to match waiting children with eligible families in a time frame measured in a few months, not several years. Both Ends Burning founder and President, Craig Juntunen leads the campaign’s effort to build a social movement to enact real and lasting change for the worlds orphaned and abandoned children. The campaign stresses that our efforts on behalf of the world’s parentless children are only possible with help from others. “We should be proud of what we are accomplishing for these most vulnerable children . . . together.” said Juntunen.

Shane Baldwin and Silverleaf Financial of Utah

Some of the things Shane has been up to recently are listed below:

Dwight Shane Baldwin hаѕ recently added “SilverLeaf Asset Management” tο thе list οf companies hе hаѕ founded within thе SilverLeaf family οf companies. Thе asset management company wіƖƖ manage thе daily activities associated wіth thе commercial assets thаt SilverLeaf Financial bυуѕ. Namely retail complexes, industrial buildings аnԁ office buildings located іn various раrtѕ οf thе nation.

Shane Baldwin hаѕ applied years οf entrepreneurial accomplishment tο hіѕ current position аѕ Founder & CEO οf SilverLeaf Financial. Baldwin attended Brigham Young University-Hawaii. Thеrе Baldwin studied business administration аnԁ marketing, whеrе hе established аnԁ managed hіѕ first entrepreneurial effort. Hе ѕауѕ “I’ve always hаԁ аn entrepreneurial spirit, even аt a very young age.” Baldwin hаѕ bееn аbƖе tο mаkе multiple business ventures over thе last 10 years. Ranging frοm relatively small, tο very large businesses іn a variety οf different industries. Upon completing hіѕ education, Shane Baldwin relocated tο Salt Lake City, Utah, utilizing hіѕ business education аnԁ experience tο establish private equity firm SilverLeaf Financial.

SilverLeaf Financial provides monetization services tο financial institutions such аѕ national banks, аnԁ thе Federal Deposit Indemnity Corporation (FDIC) throughout thе United States. Under Shane Baldwin’s leadership, SilverLeaf Financial bυуѕ both performing аnԁ non-performing first position CRE loans аnԁ converts thеm іntο legal tender. Sіnсе іtѕ establishment іn mid 2008, SilverLeaf Financial hаѕ bουɡht over $ 500 million іn face value clarification frοm banks аnԁ οthеr financial institutions асrοѕѕ thе nation.

About Shane Baldwin


Shane is an entrepreneurial visionary. His ambition, determination, and self-belief have propelled him into becoming the driving force behind SilverLeaf Financial.

Shane Baldwin brings to SilverLeaf a refined skill set, achieved through success and diversity amidst a unique array of business ventures.

Shane Baldwin prides himself on attention to detail, an unyielding work ethic and a burning desire to create a win/win for all those he comes in contact with.

Listed below are a few of his professional and personal achievements and highlights.


- Has operated, managed, and sold several profitable companies.

- Financial Adviser at Merrill Lynch for 3 years, targeting business development and client acquisitions that totaled nearly $600 Million.

- Founder of SilverLeaf Companies three branches:

- SilverLeaf Financial, Real Estate, and Asset Management


- Brigham Young University – Hawaii, Business Administration and Marketing


Actively engaged in many charitable and community organizations:

- Board Member for the National Shaken Baby Foundation

- Board Member for the Northern Utah Chapter of the Red Cross

- Member of the National Exchange Club

- Current Member and former Chapter President of Toastmasters


Shane Baldwin currently resides in Layton, Utah with his wife and three children.

Shane Baldwin

Shane Baldwin  is a great entrepreneur and visionary. His drive and ambition, sheer determination, and undoubting self-belief have always propelled into success such as the driving force behind SilverLeaf Utah Financial.

Shane D. Baldwin brings many talents to SilverLeaf with his refined set of skills, many achievements through success and various diverse situations amidst a unique array of life and business ventures.

Shane Baldwin of Utah prides himself on giving attention to even the smallest details with an unyielding work ethic and a true burning desire to create a win/win situations for all those of whom he comes in contact with.

As shown in the listed below Shane has many professional and personal achievements and highlights to showcase.

What has Shane Baldwin Utah CEO done in Business ?

*Has managed, operated and sold several highly profitable companies.
*Great Financial Adviser at the firm Merrill Lynch for 4 years, targeting immense business development and client acquisitions that nearly totaled $610 Million.
*Founder of SilverLeaf Companies three branches
*SilverLeaf Financial, Real Estate, and Asset Management